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- Students are not permitted to keep any material irrelevant to their studies.
- Students involved in protest/ strikes, breaking of college laws and involving themselves in politics shall be expelled from the college.
- All students must wear there prescribe uniform otherwise they will be fined and punished.
- They must carry duly authorized and valid ID cards Issued by the college.
- Student must avoid the use or threat of use of violence or disrespectful behaviour toward their fellow students, college employees or teachers. Any case involving one or more students in such behaviour or involving any damage of college property or its reputation will be investigated by the academic council. The student involved will be liable to such punishment as may be determined by academic council, who decision will be binding.
- Students are not allowed to do make up or wear any kind of jewelry or ornaments.
- Students are not allowed to see visitor in the college, or invite any outsiders in the college.
- Mobile phone is strictly prohibited in the college campus. Confiscated phone will not be returned.
- Students are not allowed to celebrate parties/get together in the college premises.
- Student must attend the morning assembly, their classes and practical.
- Unauthorized absence will be subject to fine.
- Habitual absence may be subject to severe punishment.
- The name of the student stands struck off the rolls if He/She remained absence with out leave for six or more than Six working days during a month.
- A Student whose aggregate attendance in lectures and practical falls bellow 80% will be come ineligible for appearing in the board/University Examination.
- Students are expected to devote themselves diligently and honestly to their studies.